Pioneering Progress: Professor Wilfred Mbacham bags another milestone in the Global Malaria Fight.

In a remarkable milestone, Professor Wilfred Fon Mbacham recently chaired his fourth Board of Trustees meeting for the Malaria Consortium, UK, in the United Kingdom marking a full year of his leadership at this prestigious organization. The Malaria Consortium stands as the world’s largest charity dedicated to malaria elimination, and Prof. Mbacham’s role at its helm underscores his significant contribution to global health leadership.

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Reflecting on this achievement, Prof. Mbacham expressed a profound sense of honor and gratitude. “I feel honored and thankful to God that with all that I have gathered as experience, I am in a position to render service in saving millions of lives of children and mothers,” he stated. His words are characterized by a deep-seated commitment to saving lives, particularly those of children and mothers in malaria-endemic regions across the globe.

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Prof. Mbacham’s journey to this pivotal role is as impressive as it is inspiring. A Titular Professor of Public Health Biotechnology, his academic credentials are formidable. He holds a Doctorat de Specialité in Molecular Parasitology from the University of Yaoundé I and a Doctor of Science Degree in Tropical Public Health from Harvard University School of Public Health. His research focuses on host and pathogen genomics and the intricate interplay between communicable and non-communicable diseases, with inflammation as a unifying theme.

Throughout his career, Prof. Mbacham has worn many hats. He currently coordinates the graduate program unit in Life Sciences and the Biology of organisms at the University of Yaoundé I. His mentorship has been instrumental in shaping the next generation of scientists, having supervised over 110 Masters and 10 MD level students, as well as 25 PhDs. 

Professor Mbacham’s influence extends far beyond the classroom. His prolific academic output includes more than 250 publications, spanning scientific articles, book chapters, and manuals. He has significantly contributed to the global knowledge base in his field. His expertise and leadership has been recognized through fellowships in prestigious academic bodies, including the Cameroon Academy of Sciences, the African Academy of Sciences, and The World Academy of Sciences.

In 2021, he founded the Fobang Institutes for Innovations in Science and Technology (FINISTECH), further cementing his commitment to advancing scientific research and education.

His leadership extends to crucial ethical considerations in research. Prof. Mbacham chairs Cameroon’s National Ethics Committee for Research Involving Humans, ensuring that scientific progress is achieved responsibly and ethically. 

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As Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Malaria Consortium, UK, Prof. Mbacham brings his wealth of experience and passion for public health to the global stage. His leadership promises to drive forward the organization’s mission, bringing hope and a brighter future to millions affected by malaria worldwide.

Prof. Mbacham’s journey exemplifies the power of dedicated scholarship, visionary leadership, and unwavering commitment to improving global health. As he continues to guide the Malaria Consortium, his work serves as an inspiration to current and future generations of scientists and public health practitioners.

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